March 30, 2019 - 5:00 pm
March 30, 2019 - 6:00 pm
Online Webinar View mapCategories
Open ClassIDEAS Online Free Webinar
IDEAS & Data Application Lab co-host this live webinar.
国际数据科学与工程协会 IDEAS
IDEAS is a global nonprofit organization that is dedicated to fostering the data engineering and data science ecosystems and broadening the adoption of their underlying technologies to accelerate the innovations data can bring to society. Our goal is to create a community to connect AI and Data Science enthusiasts. All of the conferences that IDEAS host will demonstrate cutting-edge technology and feature a variety of AI and Data Science experts covering topics including industry trends, real-world applications, open-source software, solutions-based case studies, and many others.
Guest Speakers:
Chris Tyler, Embedded Solutions Evangelist from IBM
Chris Tyler is a technical evangelist who works with startups to help them better understand and leverage the benefits of data, analytics, blockchain, IoT, and AI / machine learning in their solutions. Chris mentors startups on how these technologies can help them differentiate themselves in their markets. He is considered a thought leader around monetizing data and analytics and advises multiple companies on building data-driven products.
Some of the hottest topics in technology today are Blockchain (not Cryptocurrency), IoT – the Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning. However, these are often talked about individually. But, how do they relate and why? What is driving the convergence of these technologies? What should you know to prepare yourself to drive the impact these technologies will make on the future?
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