Career Fair 来袭 | Business Analyst 常见面试题如何答

Career Fair 来袭 | Business Analyst 常见面试题如何答

你是否在准备Business Analyst 工作的面试中感到迷茫?或者是正困惑于在面试中会被问到什么样的问题?福利来啦!以下是我们搜索整理的在Business Analyst面试中常被问到的一些问题。


1. 常规问题 General Questions
2. 行为问题 Behavioral Questions
3. 商业有关问题 Business-related Questions
4. 数据问题 Statistics Questions
5. 技术问题 Technical Questions


对于 General Qs,正如大家经常遇到的,已训练多时的问题:介绍自己,描述自己的强项,对于BA的理解和定义;BA必须具备的技能,描述之前有关的工作经验,以及对于BA岗位的热情等。对于此类问题大家可以根据自己的实际案例,tell stories, 但重点是要体现出对于BA理解的专业性,“being an expert”, 并且要保证体现出对自己足够的信心和对工作强烈的热情。


对于Behavioral Qs,主要考察对于案例或场景的应变能力,这里有些实例,大家可以练习一下:

#1 – Explain a business analysis situation that you faced in your previous job that was most challenging, and how did you tackle it? What did you learn and what was your strength to solve it?
— Senior Business Analyst at was asked…
a. show your reasoning skills and logic abilities, that you are a problem solver;
b. show your ability to learn and adapt;
c. show your ability to work in a team.

#2 – How do you manage project timelines with change requests?
— Senior Business Analyst at J.P. Morgan was asked…
To do time estimations on the change request and then you swap something that is in scope for the change being requested.


#3 – In a chaotic environment, how would you manage multiple deliverables?
— Business Systems Analyst Interview at Exeter was asked…
a. understand the company priorities;
b. manage project plans against any issues, risks, constraints, and dependencies;
c. maintain logs as to how issues / risks were resolved or minimized;
d. if encountered with an impact to schedule, cost, or quality, raise that up to management for awareness, review of options, and decisions.


#4 – What is the similarity between a milk carton and a plane seat?

–Business Analyst at Deloitte was asked…


对于 Business-related Qs, 首先大家得搞懂一些商业法则和名词的意思,并且会运用,例如 ‘SMART’ rule, SDD (system design document), Personas, UCD (User Centered Design) methodology, SWOT Analysis, Competitor Analysis, Strategic Vision, SDLC, DMAIC, INVEST, BPMN, PEST, BCG Matrix, RACI Matrix, etc. 还有经典问题如下:

#1 – How do you deal with difficult stakeholders?

The hiring manager is trying to assess your soft skills, particularly your communication and collaboration abilities. Working with people from different areas of the company and perspectives is an area where nontechnical skills are key, so even if you don’t have a relevant BA experience, be ready to speak to a relevant experience from a different profession.
#2 – When do you know that you have gathered all the requirements?

Once the requirements are gathered, they are validated by the business users/client. It is only after the approval of the business users, the requirements are considered as to be completed. Additionally, it should be validated that:
• They are elicited from all the stakeholders from all they key stakeholders of the project.
• They align with the project’s business case.
• When they could be done with the resources available i.e. attainable.
• When the stakeholders of the project are in consensus with the elicited requirements.
• All the requirements which pass the above four criteria, they are considered to be as formal and final. These requirements are then documented and become a part of the project scope.
#3 – How would you build a Business Process Model?

Determine scope, gather background information, conduct interviews, begin modeling, validate and iterate.


对于 Statistics Qs, 就是具体考察统计学知识了,一般考定义,还有一些简单的统计题。例如考定义:P-Value, Pareto Analysis, FMEA, 100-point method, Fish Model and V Model, Benchmarking, Agile, Scrum Method, JAD, Flowchart, Use Case Model, Pair-Choice Technique, etc. 如果没有ready的同学,赶紧拿统计学书回来恶补吧。


对于 Technical Qs, 主要是问用过的 Business Analysis/ Business Intelligence tools or systems, 例如:SQL, Tableau, R, etc. 其中SQL题出现的频率比较大,例如 inner join VS outer join。例题如下:


#1 – If you have two SQL database tables that are not joined together, how would you create another table to join them.
— Business Analyst at was asked…
Give an example; Pretty simple question. Lets say we have two tables Person and Other school – each person is student in the school, since you need to join those two tables, you need common column to share and hence forth you find the key to join. Inner Join – join table to bring records common in both the tables Outer Join – Bring results besides the ones that are common or rather bring distinguished results (uncommon) in two tables I’ll write here inner join using MS- SQL Question has three part – create another table , join the reults and then populate the reults — Create the resulting table Create Table Result { string name; } — Join to table and insert into result table – Assuing two table person and school has common column name INSERT INTO RESULTS –whatever be the join result will populate the result table select name from Person Inner join School — used inner join here ON person.Name= School.Name — used the key to join — now lets pull up the results by querying resut table Select Name from Result.


#2 – You have a table called Order with Cust_ID, Order_Date, Order_ID, Tran_Amt. Select the top 100 customers with high spend over a year long period.
— Business Analyst at was asked…



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作者:Amy & Miya