Google 官方 Channel 盖戳:谷歌面试官眼中的优秀简历长什么样?
一份好的简历,可以说是敲开找工作大门至关重要的敲门砖。看了很多视频,去过学校的Career Center,问了学姐学长,还是不知道怎样算一份合格甚至优秀的简历?来看看Google的面试官怎么说!
Google的招聘官对想要申请Google岗位的同学提供了一些具体的提示和建议,帮助大家撰写和准备简历从人群中脱颖而出,其中包括业务,工程和技术职位的示例。主要从Resume Basics,Education,Experience,Optional section等几方面展开讲解,同时详细说明了如何用搞笑有说服力的方式来描述你曾经做过的Project。
• Use simple and consistent design, font, sizing and spacing
• Use black or dark, readable ink
• Format as PDF
• Include your contact information and email at the top
• Don’t have to include objective statements
• Don’t need to include references
• Keep to one page for business and internship roles, and no longer than two pages for engineering and technical roles
• Include what’s relevant for the specific role
• Use bullet points with consistent formatting and structure rather than long paragraphs
• Check for typos!
For technical and engineering candidates
• List programming languages at the top
• List your Github profile or other prominent open source work
在校学生或者刚毕业的学生和已经有一些工作经验的人在简历格式上有些不同。学生应该把教育学历作为简历的第一项, 而对于有经验的职场老手,学历部分可以放在简历后面一点的位置。工作经历在所有人的简历上都是占最主要的部分,其他的奖项荣誉经历可以在另外的小标题下列出介绍。对于技术人员和软件工程师,招聘官提示可以列出个人参与过的项目或相关课程以及编程比赛荣誉等。
• Include all post-secondary institutions you’ve attended and all degrees and majors
• Be sure your most recent education is listed first
• Include your actual graduation date in the month- year format (for example: May 2017 not Spring 2017)
For current students and recent grads
• Include your anticipated graduation date in the • month- year format
• Include your cumulative grade point average
• List everything in reverse chronological order with your most recent experience first
• Include your employer, position, and dates employed for all jobs and internships in the month- year format
• Bullet point descriptions should be concise and clear
• Streamline bullet points that spill over onto the next line by only 1-2 words
• Use action words like created, designed, debugged, negotiated, developed, managed, etc.
• Use data and comparisons or averages to provide context
For technical and engineering candidates
• Include the programming language you used in bold for each project you include
Google 招聘官特别提出一个有效的简历内容模版Accomplished (X) as measured by (Y) by doing (Z)。在短短的工作经历描述中不但可以突出申请人之前的工作职能还加上了其职能背后具体的影响和结果。
Accomplished (X) as measured by (Y) by doing (Z)
For technical and engineering candidates
• Increased server query response time by 15% by restructuring API
For business candidates
(原版)Grew revenue for small and medium business clients
(初始修改版)Grew revenue for small and medium business clients by 10% QoQ
(进阶修改版)Grew revenue for small and medium business clients by 10% QoQ by mapping new software features as solutions to their business goals
More example
(原版)Participated in professional development program for high- achieving Black and Latinx talent in tech
(初始修改版)Selected as one of 200 participants for an 18-month professional development program for high-achieving Black and Latinx talent in tech
(进阶修改版)Selected as one of 230 participants nationwide for an 18-month professional development program for high-achieving Black and Latinx talent in tech-based on leadership potential and academic success
• Include involvement in student groups, especially if you have a leadership position
• Use the Accomplished (X) as measured by (Y) by doing (Z) framework to communicate impact
• Items to link
• Publication
• Papers
• Patents
• Conference presentations
• Add any other meaningful extracurricular activities or experiences
原文作者:GoogleYoutube Channel
翻译作者:Paris Lu
美工编辑:Paris Lu